
Posts Tagged ‘Blessing ceremony’

Here we are, halfway through our first semester of nursing school! We are one week shy of finishing our second course, and we have only 3 weeks of pharmacology left. It has not been nearly as bad as everyone told us it would be. Yes we are all very busy, but if you are organized there is plenty of time for “normalcy!”  

One month into the program we had the honor of participating in a ceremony with the faculty of the nursing program. We all had the privilege of having our hands blessed before we enter the field of care in which we will use our hands every day to help heal our clients. It really welcomed all of us into the profession we will soon embark on.

Myself and fellow students having our hands blessed with lavender oil

Kieran’s team playing in the final rounds

When I find the time to prioritize my life and health in between school, I have enjoyed the great outdoors of Colorado! I still hike, bike and partake in several yoga classes every week. Many of my classmates were able to attend the national championship rugby game at a close by sports ground. One of our classmates helps coach a team that was playing in the finals. It was a learning experience for all of us who did not understand the concept of rugby!

Upon completion of our first class, Health Assessment, many students convened at Wash Park to have a cook out and enjoy the beautiful weather. I was unable to attend that get together…rather I was observing a 3D ultrasound of my soon-to-be nephew! Wow, what an experience, especially being interested in labor and delivery, pre-and postnatal care.

What amazing technology! We got to see the little man tumbling around and moving his hand to his mouth to suck his thumb. Here he was giving us the thumbs up!

In my other spare moments, I have taken on the practice of making my own fruit-flavored infused vodka. For our first batch, we are trying watermelon! I will have to let you all know how it turns out…it should be ready for tasting right as we finish the second five weeks. What perfect timing!

Can’t wait for the taste test!

Currently, in our Foundations class and lab, we have become much closer with our fellow classmates. We have enjoyed learning how to give bed baths on one another, and we have practiced putting each other on bedpans. There is a reason all of the patients hate those things! In just one short week we will be entering facilities for the first time as student nurses. We begin our clinical in the assisted living facilities. Next time I check back in with you all, I will let you know how the clinical experience goes…first time putting on our Regis scrubs and nametags…it is so exciting!

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